What is the Kirksville Comprehensive Plan?
The City of Kirksville updated its Comprehensive Plan through a visionary, community based planning process to define our community’s vision and goals for how we want to grow and prosper into the future. The Comprehensive Plan guides decisions about land use and future development in Kirksville for the next 20 years and includes recommendations related to community identity, neighborhoods & housing, economic development, mobility & infrastructure, and future planning & land use. The final plan includes clear action steps, economically sustainable land use policies, and implementation strategies to guide Kirksville’s success well into the future.
Quick Links
Kirksville Current (2019) Snapshot
Contact Information
201 South Franklin Street
Kirksville, MO 63501
Phone: 660.627.1272
Fax: 660.627.1026
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Ashley Young, Community and Economic Development Director